Saturday, September 7, 2024
Welcome to CEA!
| Welcome Back to School! - Monday, September 11, 2017
CEA Members,
The district recently posted a letter to the community on the front page of the district website concerning changes to the elementary schedule. CEA Leadership has been contacted by many members, including members who were part of the scheduling committee, concerning issues resulting from the implementation of the new schedule. After reviewing the district's letter to the community, some members believe that the letter creates an impression that the new schedule was a collaborative effort between the administration, the contracted scheduling expert, and the teachers on the committee. Teachers have expressed perceptions contrary to how the district has described the development of the schedule. Additionally, CEA Leadership met on multiple occasions with Central Administration over the summer to express concerns over the potential negative effects on students and potential contract violations that implementation of the district's proposed schedule would create. CEA Leadership offered solutions to those potential issues. Central Administration would not agree to the suggestions. We want our members to know that CEA Leadership expressed, time and again, its desire to begin the school year in a positive way by supporting a schedule that could be embraced by all parties. CEA Leadership and its members do not believe that it is a "Best Practice" to share an entirely new schedule with teachers during a faculty meeting with only approximately 10 minutes left in the faculty meeting to digest major changes for both students and teachers alike. A collaborative effort on major changes to any schedule requires much more cooperation and transparency for the effort to be deemed collaborative and professionally inclusive.
CEA Leadership
CEA Polling Results: 97% of CSD elementary classroom teachers who responded to a recent poll believe that the lunch/recess period should be returned to a 60-minute block for students.
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